18 February 2008

Welcome to Karnataka Fire and Emergency Services

This Blog has been created and maintained by the Karnataka Fire and Emergency Services department for the purpose of dessiminating the official news and views of the department concerning its charter of duties to the 'public' in general and to the 'media' in particular. The posts will be published regularly and your comments and feedback are welcome.


Bhavani said...

A very good initiative. These days unless we tell & repeatedly tell what we are doing, people will not take cognisance of it.

Fire services are generally critisized whenever there is some delay or a big loss. But when things are managed will and incidents are controled, appreciation even where due is rarely given.

Documentation & publication of incidents, efforts, success & failure should be documented and kept open to public.

This would be a good move & will benefit all.

J.N.Bhavani Prasad

Manoj Patil said...

Thanks for starting this blog. I feel honored to comment on this first post. Rds, Manoj from Kalyan City.

Outsource said...

It is great to see an blog initiate by the team. I feel happy to post in this blog column.
Outsource Services

mohantarneja said...

What,s wrong in this Tasleema nasreen article that Muslims in Karnataka are making riots?

hitesh yadav said...

i appericiate this step of government to start a blog to make people aware.. really nice job.

hitesh yadav said...

iliked your info and shown it to my freinds
thanks a lot.