26 February 2011

Major Fire Accident in the State on 25-02-2011

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1 comment:

CuteRimi said...

Hello, I'm enjoying your post and I'd like to share on "Main Causes of Fire."
Experts point to three major areas:
1. Carelessness and accidents
* Lack of attention when cooking; careless placement of items near the stove.
* Inattentive use of candles.
* Accidents involving gas, propane and solvents.
2. Electrical equipment
* Short circuits; overloaded systems; fuses.
* Loose connections; frayed cords; improper use of extension cords.
3. Smoking or fire lighting materials
* Cigarettes (especially falling asleep while smoking or not properly extinguishing cigarettes).
* Children playing with matches or lighters.
Rimi for 中古車査定